Setting integration with VTEX

This guide is designed to assist you in the inclusion of Konduto into your VTEX store.

In order to facilitate and reduce the settings procedure and details necessary for this integration, we offer this guide with summarized steps. 

The first part of this settings configuration deals with the inclusion of meta tags on your website. Below you will find detailed explanations on how you can do this via GTM and then how to set your VTEX environment for use with Konduto.

1.  GTM (Google Tag Manager) and VTEX

In order to use Konduto on your website, it is required that GTM--as provided by VTEX--be implemented into your help portal. 

Access the link below and follow the step by step installation:

Integration with the Google Tag Manager (VTEX)

If you have any questions about this process, please contact the VTEX team to assist you.

2. Make a backup of your GTM

Before proceeding with the import of the Konduto container, perform a backup of the content in your GTM. This procedure will guarantee that you will be able to return to the previous version of your GTM in case any complications arise later.

To do this, follow the following guidelines:

  • With your GTM open, click on "Administrator":

  • Select the container you wish to back up:

  • Click on "Export container" and save the file:

3. Download the Konduto container

After you complete the steps described by VTEX in the link above and make a backup, you need to import our container into your GTM by downloading the link below.

This container will automatically set the other screens in your GTM which are necessary for the use of Konduto with VTEX.

These settings are generally extensive and, seeking to minimize the procedures, we ask that you follow the instructions below.

4. Import the Konduto container

  • To import the container, on the same screen as the last setting configuration, click on "Import container":

  • On the next screen, click on "CHOOSE CONTAINER FILE" and select the file sent by the Konduto team:

  • Click on "EXISTING":

  • Select the desktop you will use by clicking on it:

  • Select the option "Match":

ATTENTION: Be careful to not select the option "Substitute". If chosen, the substitution will undo your current GTM settings and you may have difficulty in correcting such changes.

  • As you can see in the image below, the colored boxes will show the content that will be merged. 

  • Select the option "Substitute triggers, tags and variables in conflict.":

  • Click on "Confirm":

  • Inside your GTM, click on "Variables":


  • Click in the variable "kondutoId":


  • Substitute the Key highlighted with the Konduto public key:


  • Click on "Save" to complete the settings

5. Configure the gateway affiliation in VTEX

Now that the procedure for the inclusion of tags has been completed, you need to configure the VTEX environment with your Konduto credentials for it to be used properly against fraud.

Follow the guidelines below:

  • When the settings window loads, click on "PCI":

  • On the top-right side, click on "Settings":

  • Next, click on "Gateway Affiliations"

  • In that same session, click on the green icon represented by the "+" sign as shown in the image below:

  • Among the antifraud programs listed, click on "Konduto":

  • This is where you add the access credentials of Konduto. Production credentials will begin with the letter P

Add the key (Konduto access credential) in the seconded field:

  • Click on "Save":

  • Click on the tab "Payment settings":

  • You'll find all the credit card flags enabled for your e-commerce operation. Click on each of them to add to Konduto individually. 

Repeat the steps that follow until all the flags have the same settings:

  • Change the status to "Active" by clicking on the key as shown below:

  • Select the box "Use Anti-Fraud":

  • Select the option "Konduto - New Setting":

  • Click on "Save" to finalize the settings:

6. Track your orders on the VTEX platform

You can track the progress of your orders directly and in more detail in your VTEX Merchant Portal.

  • It is necessary to click on "Transactions" in the "PCI Gateway" menu:

  • You can follow all purchase orders in more detail by clicking on each one individually: