Configuring PayZen integration

When working with PayZen and Konduto, before performing any setup configurations, ask the PayZen support team to enable our service on their Portal.

Konduto and PayZen integration

When using PayZen, you can integrate Konduto in two ways: directly on your website transparently via API, or via the payment page of PayZen.

Each type of integration has different requirements that will be addressed in this article. If you have any questions about the type of integration you are using, contact the PZ support team.

If you use the API of Payzen

For this type of integration, it is necessary to:

1.    Do the page tagging on your website;

2.    Add the Konduto events collector to the front of your page;

3.    Identify the visitor with the email used with purchase;

4.    Follow the instructions outlined under the topic "Configuring Konduto in the PayZen Portal" shown further below in this text.

If you use the payment page of Payzen

In this case, you need to:

1.    Do the page tagging on your website;

2.    Add the Konduto events collector to the front of your page;

3.    Follow the instructions given under the topic "Configuring Konduto in the PayZen Portal" shown further below in this text.

When following the setup instructions below, if you find any divergence or notice the lack of any functionality or screen, contact the PayZen support team to provide assistance enabling this feature on your online store.

Setup Konduto in the PayZen Portal

  • Click on "Validate":

  • On the next screen, set your new password, observing the rules for creating Portal passwords;
  • You will view this:

  • Click on "Setup":

  • Click on "Company":

  • Click on the tab "Konduto". If it does not appear, contact PZ:

  • Click on "Add Online Store ":

  •  In "Store Name", provide a name to facilitate identification of your company, if you're working with more than one store:

  • In "Account number", you need to assign an exclusive number for the identification of this store. If the number is repeated, the system will not permit the addition of the store in setup. The following data is required to proceed:

  • If you have access to the Sandbox (test) environment of Konduto, add the Konduto Test Key in this field:

  • If you have already gone through the Konduto Approval Process and have the Production Key, type it in the selected field after retrieving it from the Portal:

  • Click "Create" to complete the inclusion:

  • The store will appear listed as shown below:

  • When you click twice on the created store, the screen will appear as shown below:

  • In "Mode" you can choose which store to activate: Test or Production. Select as shown in the image below and in accordance with the credentials you received from Konduto and remember that keys that begin with T correspond to the Test Environment, while keys beginning with P, belong to the Production Environment of Konduto:

  • If you want to work with minimum and maximum value limits of purchase orders, indicate them accordingly in the following selected fields:

  • If you are working with 3DS PayZen technology, select the option below:

  • After making the desired settings, click on "Save":

  • You can associate the settings made to different stores, if you work with more than one at the same time.  To do this, click on "Associate an account to stores":

  • To Associate, click on the box in front of the desired store:

  • To complete the required settings, click on "Settings":

  • Click on "Advanced risk management". If this option is not available, request support from PayZen to enable this feature:

  • Click on "Results of risk analysis":

  • Click on "Request for review of external risk analysis":

  • When you click on this option, click on the "Activate" button to edit the actions:

  • We will detail each of the available options for action below:

  • Select "Manual Validation" to validate a payment. In this mode the payment is not captured because it depends on the manual action of the merchant  in order to enable capture through the PZ system:

  • The option "Disable 3D Secure" will be disabled if you choose this option. There will be no other payment attempts if the order is sent back by Konduto with the recommendation "Review" :

  • By choosing "Generate an alert", the seller will receive a notification for the orders that return with the Konduto recommendation "Review":

  • If you choose "Refuse", the orders with recommendation for review will be refused:

  • When you select one of the actions, click on the button "Add" and "Save" at the bottom of the page to activate the desired functionality:

  • You can add multiple actions by clicking again on the "Add" button:

  • No matter how many actions are being used, don't forget to click on the "Save"  button to implement the setting. In the case that questions arise about which rules to activate, get help from the PZ team;

  • To undo actions, click "Disable":

  • The option " External risk analysis score" establishes that you can use the same actions described in detail above when assigning a Score limit. Although it is always possible to use, consult the Konduto team to make sure that this feature is recommended for your business:
  • If after talking with the Konduto team it is established that this functionality meets your requirements, activate it by clicking on the arrow positioned directly beside title:

  • Click on "Activate":

  • Establish the Score according to the rule that you wish to use:

  • Assign one or more actions according to their implications as detailed above:

  • To assign the desired actions, then click on "Save" to complete your settings configuration: